Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Veritas et Venustas will be moving from massengale.typepad.com to blog.massengale.com. See you there.

Personal posts about topics like the glories of the New York Yankees will move to jmassengale.tumblr.com or blog.massengale.me: TBD.


Happy New Year



December 31, 2013 in Architecture, Baseball, Books, Classicism, Culture, Current Affairs, Education, Film, Food and Drink, Games, History, Jokes, Music, New Urbanism, New York, Personal, Quote of the Day, Religion, Religion & Metaphysics, Science, Sports, Television, Travel, Urbanism, Web/Tech, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0)

My Comment on Chris Gray's "A Landmark Lost and Found" in the New York Times

EustonStationClick on the photo for a larger view

FROM THE COMMENTS SECTION: Let's look at the photo again. The arch is lipstick on a pig. The station behind it looks like a Los Angeles shopping mall circa 1980–in the heart of one of the world's great cities.

The people in the drawing look like ants. The building behind them has nothing that relates to human scale. It doesn't even look like humans built it: there is no sense it was touched by a human hand, either in the design or the construction.

London is an enormously wealthy city these days. It can't do better than that? (postscript after the jump)

PS: Here's a photo of one of the oldest streets in London. It was a wonderful place to walk until Global Capitalism and its bankers decided they needed new places to roost.


December 31, 2013 in Architecture, Classicism, Culture, Current Affairs, History, Travel, Urbanism | Permalink | Comments (0)